The Garden Patch is a small nursery near Hagerstown, MD that offers a variety of vegetable, herb, annual, and perennial plants with an interest on plants native to the Maryland area along with pollinator friendly plants.​​​ I sell at farmers markets, events and by appointment. I also will deliver locally. I don't ship plants.
A note on plants listed as deer resistant. The plants may not be deer proof. If hungry enough, deer will eat or try to eat just about any plant.
Payment methods I accept at markets:
Credit Cards
I am looking forward to Spring and the start of the growing season!
Look for more native plants and shrubs along with pollinator friendly plants.
Upcoming Events
Baltimore Native Plant Sale
April 5, 9AM-2PM
Church of the Redeemer
5603 N Charles St,
Baltimore, MD 21210
Spring Open House and Earth Day Celebration
Saturday, April 19 2025, 11 am - 2 pm​
Baker Park Bandshell and Multipurpose
21 N Bentz St,
Frederick, MD 21701
35th Annual Leesburg Flower and Garden Festival​​
Saturday, April 26 10am–6pm
Sunday, April 27 10am–5pm
25 W Market St,
Leesburg, Virginia 20176
Spring Cleaning Recycling and
Native Plant Sale Event​​
(Sale to benefit the Environment Stewardship Ministry)
(I will have plants on sale but I won't be there)
Saturday, May 3 8am-12pm
St. Katherine Drexel Church Parking Lot​
8428 Opossumtown Pike, Frederick, Md 21702
​35th Garden Fair​​
Foundation of the State Arboretum at Blandy Experimental Farm
(Members and Volunteers Only Preview Night, Friday, May 9 5:00 - 7:00 p.m)
Saturday, May 10 9am–4pm
Sunday, May 11 9am–4pm
400 Blandy Farm Ln.,
Boyce, VA 22620
2025 Maryland Lavender Festival​​
Saturday, June 21 9am-4pm
Sunday, June 22 9am–4pm
Springfield Manor Winery Distillery Brewery
11836 Auburn Road Thurmont, MD 21788
Come join me at these locations!
Lot A Frederick Fairgrounds
Franklin St.
(Near 797 E. Patrick St.)
Frederick, MD
Saturdays 9:00 am-1:00 pm
April 27 - Nov. 23, 2025
(except April 26, May 10, and June 21)
Frederick City Market
331 N. Market St.
Downtown Frederick, Maryland
Sundays 9:00-1:00 pm
May 4-Nov. 23, 2025
My Dates:
Hagerstown Elk's Parking Lot
11003 Robinwood Drive
Hagerstown, MD
Wednesdays 3:00-6:00 pm
May 14-October 1, 2025
(No market on Oct. 8)
Fall Harvest Market
October 15th
Featured Plants
Featured Items

My name is Trish Watt. I have had a lifelong love of plants and gardening. In 2020, I decided to leave a job that I had been at since 2001. I ended up taking classes and getting an associate's degree in Environmental Horticulture and Sustainable Agribusiness from Montgomery College. I am now fulfilling a dream by opening my own plant business.